What does it mean to be a woman? It means you will be glorified in art and literature but not so much in reality
It means you are expected to look a certain way It means you have to be “feminine “ which equates to dainty /soft
It means you shouldn’t be messy It means you have to control your temper
It means you have to give.. non stop It means you have to succumb and to compromise
It means you need to know how to cook even though most chefs Are men
It means you will more often than not, be seen as property
It means others decide your life for you
It means you have to have a man next to you to be accepted and protected
It also means you should be sensual but not own your sexuality
If you do you may be labelled a whore
It means you may not be allowed to dance
It means you maybe made to
It means you have to cover yourself or risk getting raped
It sometimes means being raped is your fault and you should be punished.. perhaps killed
It sometimes means being married before puberty is ok and being raped by your husband is ok but abortion is not ok
It means sometimes you are killed for just being born
It can mean that exercising your god given right to give birth and experience the purest love of all, motherhood, can be shameful, if it’s out of wedlock
It means you will be discarded when you get older unless you have conformed to a social set up
It means you have to bear pain without getting credit for it.. yes you are labelled the weaker sex
But It means you will be held responsible .. you will be blamed more often than a man
Yes you will also be blamed for your hormones that you can’t control and yes once a month you will bleed
When you bleed you will be pushed away, sometimes not even allowed to pray.. oh and once you stop bleeding completely you will be labelled as useless
It means you will be paid less for the same job
It means you won’t get as much opportunity to lead
It means you have to survive and dare to thrive in a society designed for men
It means you will have to fight for equal rights
It means when u speak up about inequality you will be labelled as a feminist when all you are trying to be is human
It means you have to have a day to celebrate being a woman because more often than not your existence wont be... celebrated
So! Happy Woman’s day!
Men may have their own issues but these are some of ours and today is a day for highlighting them. A Woman
