Shastram Reels
Rhunak Jhunak
Tap the bottom of the video if sound is not heard

The Rules!

This is a song "Runak Jhunak" is by Kanika to me is all about love of self, love of life and love of freedom! and in one word about Sringar! so I thought it apt to share this with you today Happy Valentine's day people!
The lyrics as we have understood and Choreographed are as below.
Choreography by Ghirija Jayarraj and Sneha Rajagopalan.
Pachrangi lehariya yun ud ud jaaye
[5 coloured wave (which I think she means rainbow or the waves from a flying scarf/dupatta) flies]
Albeli main matwali sab dekhe bole haaye
[ I am one in many and I am lost in my own world, everyone who sees me says haaye (it can be for astonished or offended)]
Ekli main gaun mharo dhun
[Alone (a happy spot i guess) I sing my tune]
Reth mein jhoomun main jhoom jhoom
[I dance in the sand (kind of happy trance without a care) (also I think the song is about the desert with the reference to the sand)]
Chorus Runak jhunak paayal baaje (My anklet makes the sound Runak Jhunak)
Nahi seedhi [I am not simple (though seedhi means straight but I think straight in english will mean sexual orientation and will be lost in translation)]
Nahi saadhi
[I am not plain (I am more of a colourful personality)]
Koi mujhko na behlaaye
[Please dont teach/preach me]
Zara dekho, yahan dekho
[Look here, look at me]
Meri paayal baaje jaaye
[My anklet keeps making the sound] Chorus Runak jhunak payal baaje
(My anklet makes the sound Runak Jhunak)
Lyrics Translation by Siddharth Dhar
Featuring: Shanthi Stephen, Sneha Rajagopalan, Amsha Yogaraj, Sadhika Suvarna, Gayathri Menon and Ghirija Jayarraj

Rules of the Reels
1. Submit a max 1:30 dance reel to
2. Make sure the music is available on Instagram and Facebook
3. You have to incorporate Indian classical dance and yes you can do fusion if you want!
4. Also provide and explanation video of what you created and what inspired you!!
Looking forward to your submissions. Entries close 5pm IST 31st May 2023
All the best!