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Make Dreams come True

Every time you purchase at Ovya, you are helping art projects come to life and helping people get water.


Ovya is a cross cultural art project in itself. After much research Shastram has decided to produce products that represent cultural fusion. Afterall, throughout centuries people of various cultures have borrowed from others and created beautiful things. We look to do the same over here. Ovya designs are inspired by the world of Indian Classical dance but are not of the world of Indian Classical dance. We are mixing all sorts of different vibes to create our designs. See below for more about our designs. 


Ovya is not only an art project by itself, but also a means for Shastram to raise funds for its initiatives 

Shastram looks to

Provide a platform to as many Indian Classical dance practitioners as possible, to share their voice and stories

Be a cross cultural platform where artists of various cultural and artistic backgrounds can come together, experiment, create and share their art.

Reach out to current audiences through current mediums, technologies and contribute to growing the Industry of Indian Classical dance, so that more practitioners have more opportunities to practice the art form professionally.


Additionally Shastram has now affiliated with BridgIT Water Foundation which provides access to water to remote villages in places such as  Nepal, India, Ethiopia, Uganda, Myanmar, Tanzania, Malawi and in the near future remote indigenous communities in Australia. Part of the proceeds from every one of these product sales will be going towards this Foundation. 


Find out more about BridgeIT Water Foundation

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